Hey Yogis,
this winter marks an anniversary for me: It was 30 years ago – Winter ’93 – that I walked into my first yoga class in a small school in San Francisco.
And even after 30 years of practice, I can say with certainty:
Deeper surrender is always possible.
Every single moment is an opportunity to dive into the peace that is your true nature. Your Self.
And it doesn’t matter how much you practice or how little you practice…. deeper surrender is always possible.
And it doesn’t matter if you’re just a beginner or think yourself to be advanced…. deeper surrender is always possible.
And the deeper you dive, the greater the discovery.
This is the greater possibility that a yogic path can offer. My job is simply to remind you of that.
To honor this anniversary, I’d like to do a special Spendeklasse on Monday morning, the 20th of February, from 7:00 to 8:30/9:00.
It’s a new moon – so we’ll do two longer meditations and afterwards I’ll give a small Satsang, a little teaching, and we can explore together what it means to surrender (no Asana practice).
Everything we collect on that day will be donated to Frauen helfen Frauen Hamburg e.V., an organization that provides immediate help and support to women and their children who are victims of violence. This is one of the „Autonome Frauenhäuser“ in Hamburg. Each year in Hamburg alone, over 1,000 women and their children seek help in these Frauenhäuser – so it’s a good cause/gemeinnütziger Verein to support.
Hope to see many of you then! 💜💖💙 Jake
Spende an die Hamburger Frauenhäuser: https://www.frauenhelfenfrauen-hamburg.de/der-verein
Jake Bohner – 30 Jahren Erfahrung in Yoga-Practice, Meditation und östlicher Philosophie, 16 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung als Ashtanga Yoga Lehrer